Sunday, 1 December 2019

Short Film Research

Wasp - 
Hand held camera.
Extreme close ups.
About a women has children and is poor, one thing happens in her life which makes her neglect her children.Eventually she finds them sitting by themselves and the wasp that climbs into the baby's mouth creates tension.

When the day breaks
close up shots of individual things to show what thing the person was holding before they were ran over.
Music to set the atmosphere.
Images flashing to show the background of a character.
This is about an animal cooking and going out to the store, she then knocks into someone else and their lemon rolls into the drain. This causes the man to walk away and he then get ran over.

About a girl
Hand held camera
Crane shot
About a girl who has a poor life with her mother and siblings. She talks to the camera and there are scenes with her father where she wants to move in with him, but she can't. She is singing with her friends and she talks about how she will become a rich person while her mother is still poor.

High Maintenance
The female robot wants to change the male robot by upgrading to a better one. However the new male robot now wants to change the female robot. This is like a cycle.
Close up shots
Mid shots

ScreenPlay Ideas

Title: Reflect- I decided to name this -Reflect because one part of the script says that there are flashbacks which demonstrates her reflecting on her past and also links to her reflection.

Genre: Horror

  • There is girl who doesn't have a good life, she is picked on at school and as she grows older her life has been nothing but bad luck. It starts of with a flash back of different stages of her life
  • The first flashback is of her as a young girl and is pushed to the ground (crane shot) and it shows her on the ground and also shows the bullies higher up than her. 
  • The second flashback is when she is older and has a hard time at work, where it shows her carrying boxes from an office. She drops something and as she picks it up, she sees shoes in front of her. This shows her in a crane shot again and the other woman higher up, to show the same situation again from when she was younger.
  • The third stage is the present. The camera will be pov shot showing her washing her hands at the sink with blood on it. The camera will look up at the mirror as if she looks up at herself with makeup down her face. 
  • She then goes to her bed and sits against the wall with her head in her hands.
  • She starts to loose her mind by scrunching her hair and he face is angry and upset. The same flashbacks will happen again but will be shorter but quicker showing the angles. The non-digetic sound will be faster.
  • The music will suddenly stop and a blank expression will appear on her face. 
  • The woman will go to the mirror in her bathroom again and will look into the mirror.
  • The camera will be placed behind the women above her head so her reflection can be seen.
  • The woman's head will go down to wash her face, but her reflection wont move.
  • The reflection is a her deeper self. 
  • The two will switch and to show this, the camera will spin showing the same shot when the women was washing her face.
  • The woman (who is now in the mirror) will walk away and the reflection will walk into the bedroom and jump out the window. a shot of her body will be shown
  • The camera will cut to the scene where the first women (who was the woman at the start) is standing in front of her mirror. The camera is behind and the camera will spin again switching the two.
  • She is now stuck in a cycle of switch herself with he reflection and killing herself.

ScreenPlay Idea 2

Plot- Beginning

The beginning of the script will describe what the main character is wearing and where he is distributed. It will describe what he is doing.
Around the middle of the film, the script will describe will take place in his house where the main part will happen this is place in the house because it will give the atmosphere that everything is alright. It will start to become more dramatic, slowly, with sudden things happening. The tense part will happen unexpectedly which wont be as bad but will be shocking. The most dramatic part will happen at the end. It will describe what will happen and what the main character scenes. The paranormal character will be small and seems innocent which will create calmness before drama.
The main character will be more vulnerable.
The script will end with a view of the paranormal character which will be a close up leaving a cliff hanger, so the audience will wonder what happens after.

How short films influenced my script.

The first short film that influenced my script was "High Maintenance" This short film had a circular narrative which I then took and incorporated in my script. The aim of my script was to show that the one thing that happened to the main character can happen to anyone else making it a cycle.  When visualising my script, I would use a hand held camera near the end where the main part happens to  make it more realistic which i had taken from the short film "Wasp".  "About a girl" is another short film I had taken influence from. This film is about a poor family. From with I decided to include a part in my script which would give the suggestion that the character may be poor. In addition to the "Wasp", I looked towards the end of the film where the most tense part of the scene was and it was quite simple as it was just a wasp crawling into the babies mouth. I decided that in my script, i would make the most tense part quite simple to relate to the movie "Wasp".  When looking at the movie "When the day breaks" I see that when one thing happened in the film, causes another thing to happen in the film. This then influenced me to make the character in the script do something that he though was alright which leads to a bad thing like the short film where one character accidentally knock another character. She brushes it off as though noting happened but that led to something else bad.
In the 'Wasp" young girls are the main characters and are presented as being innocent which influence my script to include a character which is a innocent child which turns out to be something darker which links to the short film "When the day breaks". This links because the film starts off light and happy but gradually turns to something darker.


I chose to introduce the character a the beginning of the script to give a description of what the main character looks like. I ad set the scene in a game shop as it links with the plot of the film as the character must have some kind of passion to take a game from the shop. I chose to portray the character as being a responsible and organised person, so that later in the script the characters messy lifestyle will be distinguishable. I hinted this in the beginning paragraph showing the character "Charlie" chooses, such as pushing a box with his foot. Most of the expression Charlie makes isn't happy, which would give two idea. Either Charlie is a negative person but continues to be good or is a negative person and negatives things will happen to him. This is shown when he takes the game from the box. The game store is set to be clean which is a contrast to his house later on which reflects on his life like the game store. This is shown when Charlie is forgetful, shown when he forgets to turn the light off in the storage room and shown to forget a lot of things such as throwing away bottles in his house. He is shown to not care very much for his belongings as he throws his backpack on the floor and pushes paper off the table. I chose to include dialogue of Charlie complaining about his wage because it gives a reason to why Charlie is negative and why he stole the game from the shop. I 

Thursday, 3 October 2019

City of God


In this scene where Shaggy and his girlfriend are trying to get out of the favelas and this do this by using a gun in order to get into a car. The screenshot here shows shaggy to be pushing a car as it somehow stopped working. The car may have stopped working because they tried to escape the favela which will eventually end up in death. Shaggy pushes the car which could represent how people in the favela have to push and work hard to escape that life. 

In this scene where shaggy is pushing the car. the camera is placed in between the car window in order to show Shaggy on one side and Bernice on the the other side. This can have a deeper meaning because it shows the issues in that time. One issue is that it is not possible to have a sustained relationship as it is always interrupted by social conditions. Another, is that the way scene show the two actors separated can show the difference and split between men and women.

During this scene after Shaggy gets shot by the police he starts to fall behind and this can add to the issue of men and women are apart from each other and how the two are growing apart. This is the consequence because they tired to escape.

In this scene where shaggy is running away from the police, the music is quite fast which would represent how life in the favelas is fast paced. A hand held camera gives a sense of realism and panic. Also, the fact that shaggy is far away can add to the fact that men and women are different during those times. A long shot is used to show the police in the background and the houses.

In this scene where Bernice is watching Shaggy run from the police, a close up is used to show her emotion and show her in the car alone. This can link to the next scene where the car would turn back around entering the favela which would represent how women do not escape there life. This can also link to how she wanted to leave, but women are treated lesser than men and there is no opportunity for them. In addition her emotion can show how most women feel in a relationship which again cam link to how women are treated badly by men.


In this scene after Shaggy and Bernice and very far apart, the car turns around and drives back into the favela which can show how people try to escape but will just end up back in the same place. Like the narrative of the film, they all go in a circle like the conflict that is happening at the time. This is an crane shot showing the favelas and the colour palette at this point is brown and is quite bright which would match the drugs used at the time, which would be weed.

In this scene, shaggy had just been shot and the police and residents of the favela are surrounding him. The police states "we got that son of a bitch" which which shows that the police only really care about shooting people without actually looking at what happened. The police are taking things out of his pocket which can represent how the police were corrupt and are just as bad as the gangs. Police would want crime to happen in the favelas as it would help them. Police brutality was high and they would just shoot anyone

scene 2

In this scene where Steak and Fries is asked if he wants to take a walk with Lil Ze the lighting is low key which could show show his choice can end up in something bad. Bars are also shown which demonstrates how residents in the favelas are trapped and it can also show how people are trapped in the lifestyle of guns and gangs.